NAFKAM-rapport: Opplevde sammenhenger mellom amalgam og helse i den norske befolkning

Amalgam lekker kvikksølv

Environmental mercury release, special education rates, and autism disorder

Environmental mercury release, special education rates, and autism disorder: an ecological study of Texas

The relationship between mercury from dental amalgam and mental health.

Dental amalgam and mercury levels in autopsy tissues: food for thought.

The relationship between mercury from dental amalgam and the cardiovascular system.

Heavy metal as risk factor of cardiovascular disease–an analysis of blood lead and urinary mercury

Low level methylmercury exposure affects neuropsychological function in adults

Transformations of inorganic mercury by Candida albicans and Saccharomyces

Mercury, fish oils, and the risk of myocardial infarction

Pink ladies: mercury poisoning in twin girls

Mercury released from dental “silver” fillings provokes an increase in mercury- and antibiotic-resistant bacteria in oral and intestinal floras of primates.

Dental amalgam fillings and the amount of organic mercury in human saliva.

An estimation of the uptake of mercury from amalgam fillings based on urinary excretion of mercury in Swedish subjects.

People with high mercury uptake from their own dental amalgam fillings.

Metals and kidney autoimmunity.

Murine mercury-induced autoimmunity: a model of chemically related autoimmunity in humans.

The genotype determines the B cell response in mercury-treated mice.

Mercury induces cell cytotoxicity and oxidative stress and increases beta-amyloid secretion and tau phosphorylation in SHSY5Y neuroblastoma cells.

Mercury vapor inhalation inhibits binding of GTP to tubulin in rat brain: similarity to a molecular lesion in Alzheimer diseased brain.

Mercury from maternal “silver” tooth fillings in sheep and human breast milk. A source of neonatal exposure.

Activation of the immune system and systemic immune-complex deposits in Brown Norway rats with dental amalgam restorations.

Speciation of mercury excreted in feces from individuals with amalgam fillings.


Dentala Material och Uhelsa – del 1 og 2 Stiftelsen Metallbiologisk Centrum ( 2010)

Dentalmaterial Utredningen, – vård och bemøtande, – Kvicksilver i tandfyllingsmaterial,– en uppdaterad miljømedicinsk riskanalys – v/ Maths Berlin,- Litteratur och kunnskapsoversikt avseende publikasjoner mellan 1997-2002

Gapa Stort Om amalgamets hot mot folkhelsan v/ Ulla Hilding & Mauritz Sahlin

Metaller, Helsa , Miljø Konferens i Uppsala om Metallers inverkan på Manniska & Miljø 1993 . Oppdatert 1997.

ABC for amalgamforgiftade. TF 1995

Amalgam, Helsa och Pengar v/ Lena Eriksson. Helsa , Livskvalitet og samhallsekonomi etter amalgamsanering Forlag: Falktext, Vaksjø

Videokassett 1-6 Gøteborg Universitet. Tungmetallers påverkan på levande organismer. Del 5: Tandsanering

Utredning 2003 Dental material och halsa Over 500 sider, med vedlegg fra Tandvårdskadeforbundet. spørsmål til pasienter med over 1000 svar

Ann Mari Lidmark: Er de verklig sjuka?

Frisk utan amalgam. Anne-Marie Lidmark & Christer Malmstrøm

Margaretha Molius: Var så god, nasta! Utgitt av Tannvårdskadeforbundet – med noen illustrasjoner ( 183 sider)

Amalgam-forgiftad? Hur blir jag frisk? Frågor & svar. Tandlakare Christer Malmstrøm intervjues av Annika Mc Clintock

Dental Materials and Health – Summary in English And an overview of Scientific Literature by Maths Berlin.


Er du forgiftet af dine tandfyllinger? Foreningen mod Skadeligt Dentalmateriale ( 1993)


Dr. Graeme Munro-Hall & Lillian MH: Toxic Dentistry Exposed. The link beetween Dentistry and Chronic Disease ( 2009)

IAOMT The Scientific Case Against Amalgam. Dokumentsamling v/ SNC-Lavalin Environment Ottawa , Ontario ( Nov.2010)

The Natural Recovery Plan Facts about mercury and dental amalgam with medical study references. Reproduced by kind permission of Bernhard Windham ( editor) President and research Director DAMS International ( 100 sider)

DVD Smoking teeth – poison gas Deltagere, bl.a. Boyd Haley, David Kennedy, John Rove

Critisism to the European Commisions… Paper of Dental Amalgam ( 2011) dr. Joachim Mutter Institute for Environmental Medicine and Hospital Epidemiology University Hospital, Freiburg, Germany.

PATLAB Integrative Medicine MELISA Diagnostics Metal Allergy Assessments ( 2008) Oppdatert høsten 2011.

Dr. Max Daundere Handbuch der Amalagm-Vergiftung. Diagnostic. Therapic Recht

Safe Minds! Studies demonstrating the Synergistic Toxicity of mercury, lead, cadmium and aluminium

Mercury Free. The wisdom behind the global consumer movement to ban “silver” dental fillings. Dr.James E.Hardy


ABC for amalgamskadede v/ FTH (2006)

Harald J.Hamre: Amalgam og sykdom

Micro Mercuralisme Kvikksølvforgiftning fra Amalgam v/ Trond Storhagen. Imperativ Bøker N-2380 Brumundal ISBN 82-991986-o-7

Sikkerhetsdatablad TYTIN Identifikasjon av stoff/ stoffblandinger.

Fyldig Dokumentasjonsmappe v/ FTH v/ markering foran Stortinget 2001. Overlevert daværende helseminister Alvheim.

Helsedirektoratet: 2011: God klinisk praksis i tannhelsetjenesten En veileder i bruk av faglig skjønn ved nødvendig tannbehandling (Ingen råd om beskyttelse)